The Going To part is pretty easy to understand. For me, I love tropical vacations, and those destinations are marvelous. Above all, the sea! One of my favorite things in life is diving off a boat into the warm sea first thing in the morning. I also enjoy trying new things, new foods, new drinks, (usually containing rum, of course). I love meeting new people, and interacting with the locals. It's easy to see why going to a good vacation site would be wonderful.

I am surprised at how often I see people on vacation hell-bent on not enjoying themselves. Yes, the 'ugly American' is a real phenomenon, but it's not just Americans. When studying these creatures, a pattern emerges. All too often, they are affluent folks with far too much leisure time available. Their vacations are watered down by the fact they don't have anything to get away from. They aren't taking a respite from hard work, so I think, deep down, they feel guilty or something. I really don't know, because I avoid these people.

A certain boat available for charter in the beautiful Virgin Islands does a brisk business hosting people all winter. (Winter in the VI is actually the high season. 80 degrees, breezy, gorgeous...). Many of the charter guests are from the Northeast. These folks flee the weather at home for a week in paradise, and they are ridiculously happy to Get Away from the weather. I admit, living in Southern California as I do, I will never know the singular joy that comes from escaping horrible weather. As with my Facebook account, when others complain about hip-deep snow, I sagely keep my mouth shut--it is just bad form to tell them we hit 80 degrees today.

Vacation for me starts in about an hour. Work has been exceptionally busy, and I'm flying to the Caribbean, so I figure this one will be a goodie...