Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Snow in Atlanta had some unintended consequences for me last week. Jenn was scheduled to fly out for a weekend of manhandling, but bitter cold in Atlanta shut down the airport, and she had a connection there. Delta cancelled her Wednesday night flight, and re-booked her on Thursday night. That was a 25% reduction in manhandling…I was not pleased. The next day, the weather had not changed, so Delta cancelled her Thursday flight, also, with no news on possible rebooking! Although I tried valiantly to keep in mind that snow is not Delta’s fault, I was mightily disappointed. I was extremely cranky, as I had completely given up. 

With no automated response from Delta by Thursday, Jenn got on the phone. After about 5 minutes, she had a new flight out of Orlando that bypassed Atlanta and put her into Los Angeles by 7 PM the same day. Excellent news! Even better, she could extend her visit until Monday night as opposed to Sunday morning, a 25% increase in manhandling! Yeehaw! She hurried to catch her flight and soon she was in my arms. My Valentine’s Day was saved.

We each get a lot of questions about how we make our relationship work. The most common comment is, “It must be hard.” It is and it isn’t. It’s a bit like dieting. Like dieting, some sacrifice yields results, and results make one happier than never dieting at all. The snow in Atlanta reminded me of one thing; skipping a meal on top of dieting can make me very cranky, indeed.

I spent my 4 days with Jenn mostly touching. Technology does a great job helping us stay current, but there is no substitute for skin-time. She liked her trinkets, the full moon was amazing, roses bloomed, and the “vacation coffee” was extra special. Yes, we accomplished almost nothing, but we had a very good time doing it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

remarkable tuesday

To my chagrin, my bicycle was recently stolen, so this morning was a lovely walk into the office while the sun was rising. Southern California really is gorgeous!

I know it is unusual for a divorced guy to celebrate his wedding anniversary, but I do, and today is the day. I was married for 25 years. We had a lot of good times and those are worth remembering, worth celebrating. 

I have plans this weekend. My girlfriend is coming into town for some kissing and stuff, and it just happens to be Valentine's Day, too. 

As I walked in today, I realized I have it pretty good--many fantastic memories from my married past, time to enjoy the sunrise in my present, and some lovely things in my future. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Lyrics from a song this morning:

"Don't think about all the things you feel,
Just be glad you feel."